Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reveling in My Accomplishments!

There's nothing more American then a good competition.  Last Friday I had a chance to compete in the annual NATS competition (NATS stands for the national association for the teachers of singing).  I can't say exactly way I entered.  I didn't feel like I was prepared, nor did I feel like I had any possibility to place.  I competed in this same competition 2 years ago...  I managed to get third only because my division consisted of 10 people.  Its grown considerably since then.
My first obstacle was the preliminary round.  I faced singers that were, in my opinion, far more skilled than I was.  To my surprise, I struck a chord with the judicators, who told me when I was finished that I had 'great technique.'  The next morning I had to sing in the semi-final round.  I wasn't nervous, because, once again, I didn't think I was headed for the finals.  I was in utter shock to see my name grace the finals board.  I was part of the top three classical singers in my division.  At that point I knew first place was out of my reach ( I was competing with BYU's singer of the year), so I sang in the finals feeling completely content with how far I had come.  I placed third...  familiar territory, yet somehow it felt so satisfying.  Maybe a professional singing career isn't so far fetched.  The entire experience left me with an added sense of who I am and what I'm trying to accomplish.  Singing is who I am, and someday people around the world are going to know me for it.     

1 comment:

Chess said...

Congrats Joe! Wish you would've said something about it earlier! :)