Monday, December 22, 2008

Reunion and Routine

Well... It has only taken me one week to become confined by my old routine.  I feel my passion, my creativity, my new-found perspective slowly fading from me.  Utah is a cold reality, which I was not ready to face.  Can I live in Utah, without letting Utah affect me so negatively?  The answer is yes, though it will take effort on my part.  I must replace my hatred with love... I've never been very good at that.  
Moving my rant towards my family, I have realized that living on my own is wonderful!  My parents are crazy, and the rest of my family is... just crazy!  I feel like I need a vacation.  I love them all, but I think we're meant to have distance between us. 
Finally, Utah felt a white welcome was fitting for my return.  I've never seen this amount of snow here.  I'm not very fond of shoveling, so I hope this won't be a long-term winter occurrence.
Alright,  I'm done ranting for today.  Life's great, isn't it?

1 comment:

Chess said...

Haha, I feel the same way. I've been home a week and a day....and already I feel stifled and confined. And the snow sure doesn't help. It was going forever! I've never seen so much snow here before. At least I sure don't remember there ever being so much!